contented da's word :))
moOn x)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
http://loverival.livejournal.comFriday, January 02, 2009
With All my HeartSaturday, December 20, 2008
BANGKOK TRIPall these i watch until im so sian that i dun wanna watch cos in the menu that they have shown us, it includes lesbian sex and lastly sex btw a male and female. i was like hoping that they will show this.. but we have watch all that above for like 2 rounds already and they are still not showing.
THEN suddenly, there are 3 FEMALE , BIG SIZED WOMEN appearing infront of us, asking us to pay up.
Guesss what? they asked us to pay 4,400 baht instead. We argued with her and said that the GUY told us that it's only 100 baht per person, but she said DOWNSTAIRS is DOWNSTAIRS, UPSTAIRS is UPSTAIRS.
We were like thinking WHAT IS THIS..
ONE of the big sized women still said : I AM THE MAMA HERE, I SAID PAY NOW.
THE MAMA thought that we are scared of her, but sorry , cos my aunty is not scared of her, my aunt STARED back at her and said : we are paying only 2000 baht, take it or LEAVE it.
IN the end, we only pay 2000 baht.
GUESS WHAT? the 3 big sized women went to find the other tourists who were there, demanding the tourists to pay extra money and i guess they did as all the other tourists left angrily after paying the money.
MY AUNT, 2nd sister , last sister and i did a good deed in the end (:
so what did we do?
A caucasian couple went into the pub, then the girl asked my aunty whether the SHOW was good. So my aunt shook her head .. and i guess the girl felt that something was wrong, so when her boyfriend sat down on his seat, the girl said : i dont want to watch already, let's go.
so they left, and we left right after them fearing that the PEOPLE WORKING IN THE PUB knows that we told them something.
after we went down together with the couple, my aunty told the couple that the pub 'slashes peoples' throat'.
the girl said THANKS to us.
Though the 4 of us felt really angry because of the incident, we were glad that we helped a couple (;
Friday, December 05, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
AS MY CENTER.Saturday, November 22, 2008
i went for the bbq session at terry's hse which was to celebrate the Nov babies and the 'freedom' of the A levers.
taken on 19 nov'07. ( left to right : me , ??? , lawrence , jiajun , halim , ??? )
FUNSHOT. 23 nov'07.
FOMAL. 23 nov'07.
the shot with nanyang attachment girls who wore white. 22 nov'07
JAE's 07s10
those who attended aiiesyah's birthday bbq (:
half of PAE's 07s10
07s10's chem prac lesson. jay is missing in there
jay's sideview!
pic tgt wif liya
pic tgt wif joyce in da library
07s10's best buds.
will remember him as da smart guy in 07s10 (:
-jus simply a tarus girl
[for more information abt horoscopes, visit
-dyed my hair copper brown together wif my sis, marcus, zijie ..
luckily teachers didnt catch **phew
-basketballer,but enjoyed playin volleyball more (weird)
-got losta theory in life..wanna noe, view my blog @:
-my nxt fairytale??
--i dun deny dat im a pig..cox i jus simply enjoy sleeping very very much!!!
n's nice..n it burns down calories too =D
-my lala land ..
-i like
Yummy food, clothes, massages, nature and being tickled (gently).
-i dislike
Naff jeans, pushy people, ear-splitting music and being rushed.
-im best at
Creating something beautiful out of nothing - think cooking, art or gardening.
-Deep down
i need to know that people love me n want em to show it. While im not a show-off, i do like to be noticed and enjoy getting compliments.
im more concerned with comfort than looking like a supermodel. i enjoy shopping for clothes, but don't like spending too much on them. i love pretty dresses and dainty shoes are a must! Although i like to look good, i don't like my clothes to attract too much attention.
-As a mate
A lovable, loyal sort, my close friends can always count on me when the going gets tough. Stubborn beyond belief, i find it difficult to say sorry, but ill make an effort to patch things up. And i dont forget birthdays.
-As a girlfriend
i need romance like a fish needs water. Good food, bear hugs n mountains of flowers makes me mushy. Loyal n affectionate, i expect my boyf to be faithful and that maybe i need some 'assurance'..